With Spring hinting at its arrival (I was recently informed that it
is on its way), it is time for everyone to start swatting at the ever-welcome travel bug. The thought of the oncoming camping season has created a stir among our usual friends. We know that that will more than likely be our first post of the spring. April, while a bit unpredictable is the best month to camp. The bugs haven't come out of hibernation and the weather is perfect-- not too hot not too cold. For more details on the best ways to set up a camping trip in 3 days I would refer to my earlier post entitled
"Camping Close to NYC".
During the brisk cold of NYC winter, we mentioned places we wanted to visit and write about. The Finger Lakes, Hudson Valley, even the Jersey Shore all came up as possible short-weekend jaunts. We talked about places like Maine, the Pacific North West (Washington State and Oregon), or even Colorado for a longer weekend escape.
I was curious if anyone has any suggestions or requests for where they would like us to visit and write about. Let me know your suggestions in the comment box or post on our new
Facebook page.
Take your wife to aruba! :)